International Cuisine, Soup

Zuppa Pomodoro di Toscano (Tuscan Tomato Soup) | Easy Soup recipes

For the last day of the 26-day Street Food Marathon , we are here at Alphabet Z. I was determined not to use any adjective or Zucchini for the Alphabet, so this idea of the soup (as a street food) came from the husband who had soups for over a week while travelling to Italy early this Spring (and mind you, he is NOT a soup person, at all). 

So, he told me that for vegetarians, street cafes serve the best soups, and they are not just filling but come in a variety of forms from light broths to thick stews.

Today’s Soup is somewhere in between. I personally wanted to make Zuppa Verdere (which is a vegetable rich soup) or Zuppa Tuscano (a potato-kale based thick soup), but as the little one asked for a tomato based soup, I veered right into it and made just 1 portion (and mildly spiced).



She loved it and wanted me to make it for the elder one too.As I write this, the elder one is at a summer camp, and boy ! , do they grow up so quickly. In a few years, she would be off to college, and the house already looks empty :((

Without much ado, let’s get to this semi-thick Zuppa Comodoro di Toscano.  We are major fans of soup at home, and if you are one too (or on the way to controlling diet with large bowls of soup), do check out the following. Who knows, from a non-soup lover, you could just be addicted !!

Also, most vegetarian soups are GF and Vegan (or can be converted into vegan), so it’s a huge plus for those on special health requirements too.


Let’s get to make today’s soup. As with most homemade soups here, I have made use of the pressure cook. You may choose to make it in a crockpot, open pan or choose the IP (Instant Pot) version too.

Adapted from here.

Prep time – 10 mins, Cook time : 10 mins, serves : 1


  • Large, ripe , Red Tomatoes – 2 nos
  • Onion – 1/2 (minced)
  • Garlic – 1 clove (opt.)
  • Olive oil – 1 TBSP
  • Pesto – 1/2 tbsp (I used the Basil Almond vegan pesto)
  • Unsalted Homemade Veg stock  – 1 cup (200 ml) {{you may use veg soup bouillions too, but watch the salt then}}
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Cauliflower , carrot and potato – diced (2 TBSP – totally optional)


  1. In a small pressure cooker / pan, add the olive oil. Saute the onions, veggies and garlic till onions turn translucent. Add the tomatoes, salt, veg stock and pressure cook for 2 whistles. Let the pressure come down on its own.
  2. Now add the pesto, pepper and slightly pulverise the tomatoes and cooked veggies. Let it simmer for 2 mins.
  3. Serve hot !


Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 87


   An InLinkz Link-up




  1. Priya Suresh

    Comforting bowl of soup, i can have this bowl rite now. Yes its raining here and i seriously a bowl of hearty soup to keep myself warm.

  2. That's an comforting soup with veggies in tomato base. Love all kind of tomato base, surely it's my kind of soup. Kudos to you for all the 26 post and enjoyed reading each one of them.

  3. vaishali sabnani

    I am not an ardent fan of soups , but I don’t mind a good soup . Tomato based soups are delicious and this bowl sounds lovely !
    26 Street Foods from the globe ! Wow ! It surely has been a fantastic journey and yes kudos on finishing the marathon ????????????

  4. Harini R

    The name sounds so exotic, Kalyani. I love soups in all its variety and this one sounds just as flavorful. Loved all your dishes in this series and was fun to keep an eye out your creations.

  5. Srividhya

    So glad you did not use zucchini, I end up using zucchini always. πŸ˜‰ This is great and I am bookmarking this. πŸ™‚

  6. Wow.. looks so tasty and exotic dish

  7. Thick and delicious looking soup Kalyani. Lovely pick for the letter Z. Looks comforting and filing.

  8. Sharmila kingsly

    Such a delicious and filling soup.. Love the vegetables and the stock added to cook this.. Surely a comfort bowl!!

  9. cookingwithsapana

    I remember making this Tuscan tomato soup ages ago and your post is reminding me of it now. Such tasty and filing soup and nice way to end the series.

  10. Gayathri Kumar

    Of all the soups I love tomato soup the most. Your version looks really good and if veggies are added it would make a quite filling meal too. Nice finish to the BM Kalyani.

  11. Mayuri Patel

    Adding pesto to the soup is a great idea…must be making it so flavorful. Hubby and I love soups so this one is bookmarked.

  12. Oh that's fantastic that you got a dish with Z, I enjoyed your street food series and making atoz is out standing!

  13. Sandhya Ramakrishnan

    Tomato based soups are one of our favorite and we all love this one. Great recipe choice for Z!

  14. wow this version of tomato soup looks so delicious and aromatic !! Such an wonderful pick for the letter and a fantastic recipe to end this marathon πŸ™‚ I thoroughly enjoyed your recipes throughout the marathon, kudos to you !!

  15. Suma Gandlur

    That pesto must add a flavor layer to this tomato soup, which turns out to be a perfect 'Z' choice for you. Loved your street food series this marathon, Kalyani.

  16. Suma Gandlur

    That pesto must add a flavor layer to this tomato soup, which turns out to be a perfect 'Z' choice for you. Loved your street food series this marathon, Kalyani.

  17. Perfect choice for Z! The soup looks so good and I love that Pooh spoon :). It is indeed hard sometimes to get vegetarian dishes while travelling!

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