Wash, peel and scrape the bittergourd.
Scoop out the seeds and Cut them into thin roundels.
Either in am airfryer / Oven / thick bottomed pan, dry roast them till they turn crispy.
If using a pan, glaze it with light coating of oil, and keep tossing them from time to time till they turn crisy. takes about 20-25 mins
If using an airfryer, dehydrate the slices on a lined sheet at 160C for 8-9 mins or till crisp.
Cool the crispy bittergourd slices on a plate.
Dry roast all the ingredients for the spice powder mentioned above one by one. Cool and powder very coarsely.
To this powdered mix, add the salt, bitter gourd and pulse gently till mixed and the veggies are ground well.
Add sesame and jaggery at the last and just pulse quickly.
Transfer to a plate, cool and store in a sterile container.
It will keep upto 10 days on a countertop (depending on the humidity) and upto 1 month under refrigeration.
Use the quantity required , paired with steamed rice and ghee.