Sizzling Tastebuds

Round up of Valentine Fest

Am totally humbled !!

95 entries, and counting… Valentine Festwas a total sellout.. Thanks to all the wonderful friends who sent in their entries to this event.. Its truly overwhelming to see sooo many newbie friends also supporting this event, with their love and yummilicious entries.. Does prove a point, doesnt it ? That irrespective of the type of dish (sweet or savoury), all the entries were cooked and served with love – that’s the exact theme for this event too.. 

My personal thanks to all the blogger friends who sent in their entries. Keep rocking 🙂 and also send in your festive entries for Holi Fest and bakes to Bake Festhappening at this space all this March.

Thanks once again for your wonderful participation and look forward to more..




  1. awesome u fell short by 5 or it would have been a century.. great round up

  2. Anonymous

    i missed it as i away on a vacation !!! hopefully should try my luck next time !!! feels great to see so many entries…cheers kalyani !!!

  3. preeti garg

    nice roundup…is it any winner for this event

  4. Nice roundup..

  5. Great look so delicious.

  6. Gr8 round up Kalyani! Some awesome recipes which are very tempting 🙂

    Do contribute some of your wonderful recipes to my ongoing event as well. Would be delighted!

    Chef Al dente On going event: Gimme GREEN!

  7. Nice roundup.So many great recipes..thanks for hosting…

  8. Wow.. awesome round up.
    Love Ash

  9. Torviewtoronto

    thank you for the delicious roundup

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