Borrowing perhaps from the southern states that are experiencing a bad heat wave, this long weekend was punishingly severe, while draining out most of the plans we had made out over the long holiday weekend. So, while we were cooped out at home, what better way to rise spirits (not literally though) with this super refreshing Orange-Tea-Minty cooler that was picked from Epicurious for this month’s version of Gourmet Seven. And this month’s choice was beverages. So, let’s quickly head to this citrusy delight that refreshed us quite a bit over the scorching weekend.
Recipe source – Here
Prep time – 10 mins. Cook time – 2 – 3 mins (to boil water)
Serves – 2
- Orange squash – 2 TBSP
- Cold Water – 2 cups
- Orange flavoured Tea bags – 3 nos (more if you like it stronger)
- Honey – 2 TBSP
- Lemon juice – 2 TBSP
- Fresh Orange Juice – 4 TBSP (maybe a little more)
- Black Salt – a pinch
- Mint leaves – a few for garnish
- A few Orange segments – for garnish
- Ice cubes – a few
1) Bring 1 cup of water to boil. Transfer to a kettle or a large mug and steep in the tea bags for exactly 1-2 mins (longer if you want your beverage stronger). Drain the tea bags and reserve the black tea.
2) In a large bowl, mix the orange juice, orange squash, lemon juice and the cold water. Mix well. Now add in the black tea decoction and mix once more. Add a dash of black salt and mix in the honey. Chill for 10 mins.
To serve –
Tear the mint leaves reserving a few for garnish. Crush them with some ice cubes and spoon this mixture at the bottom of two serving glasses. Now add the chilled mocktail, add a few orange segments and a mint sprig for garnish. Serve chilled.
This would make a refreshing sip. cool.
loved the first pic—– looks perfect for this sweltering heat kalyani
Love this. Very refreshing.
wow thats really delicious drink,luks refreshing…
Looks appealing n refreshing…
what will i not give to slurp this down on this especially hot sunday kal!! nice clicks
Colorful and tasty Kalyani. Nice choice.
Event: Legumes
Event: Side Dishes
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great drink recipe
hi Kalyani.. great recipe
im back to blogging after a while and loved the look of ur blog.. v nice..