International Cuisine

New Event Announcement : Flavours of China


Friends, am happy to announce that I shall be guesthosting Nayna’s event – Flavours of China – at my space all this November. Legend goes that the Cuisine of China spreads both around the world and deep into history and is marked by both variety and change. The archeologist and scholar K.C. Chang says “Chinese people are especially preoccupied with food” and “food is at the center of, or at least it accompanies or symbolizes, many social interactions.” Over the course of history, he says, “continuity vastly outweighs change.” Over the centuries, as new food sources and techniques were invented, the Chinese cuisine as we know it gradually evolved. The “Silk road” is the conventional term for the routes through Central Asia linking the Iranian plateau with western China; along this trade route passed exotic foodstuffs that greatly enlarged the potential for Chinese cuisines, only some of which preserve their foreign origin in the ideogram for “foreign” that remains in their name: “it would surprise many Chinese cooks to know that some of their basic ingredients were originally foreign imports,” Frances Wood observes: sesame, peas, onions, coriander from Bactria, and cucumber were all introduced into China from the West during the Han dynasty”. 


Chopsticks, which are made from all sorts of materials and which are one of the hallmarks of the Chinese table, have been used as eating utensils at least as far back as the Zhou Dynasty. Stir-fried dishes became popular during the Tang Dynasty. The stir-fry method of cooking was invented out of necessity, in order to conserve expensive and scarce fuel.

So, send in all your vegetarian only recipes – Fried Rice , Hakka Noodles, Glass Noodles, Stir fries – anything Chinese – to this event ! 

What’s more – all your entries for this event will also qualify to be entries for my ongoing Global Food Fest (a 100-day celebration of Global Food) – check out the details and link it to that event too J 

A quick recap of how you can send in your entries :

1.   Use the linky tool to link your entries. A maximum of 3 archived entries (linked and re-posted) are allowed, although fresh entries are highly appreciated. Linky tool is live from 1st Nov 2011 – 30th Nov 2011.

2.   Please note that while archived entries must be reposted, all entries (fresh and archived) require you to link to this event announcement as well as Nayna’s event announcement link.

3.   All dishes are to be vegetarian only. Usage of logo is mandatory and would appreciate if you can use the same in your entries.

4.   Non-bloggers can also send in their entries by emailing picture and recipe.

5.    In case you are unable to link the entry through the tool, pl send in your entries in the following format. Do email me the details to [email protected]

a.   Please indicate “Flavours of China” in Subject line

b.   Name-

c.    Blog Name-

d.   Post Name-

e.   Post URL-

f.     Include Image no larger than 300 pixels. 

Looking forward to all your delicious entries, dearies 🙂





  1. Hari Chandana P

    Nice event 🙂
    Indian Cuisine

  2. Priya Suresh

    Happy hosting, lovely theme..

  3. happy hosting.

  4. Happy hosting.

  5. Yuppiee! 🙂 I have been looking forward to a Chinese-based event! 🙂
    Do participate in my event too.

    Kavi | Edible Entertainment
    Ongoing event: Healthy Lunch Challenge

  6. @ Kavi – Thanks n looking forward to a deluge of yummy dishes from ur blog !

  7. vaishali sabnani

    Kalyani..chinese is my fav cuisine…n now will cook something specially for u r event:)

  8. Hi Kalyani Many many thaks for hosting this event and making it such a wonderful success. All the entries are mouth watering.

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