Sizzling Tastebuds

Hosting Walk Through Memory Lane (WTML) – July edition at this space

Published on June 30, 2012 | Last Updated on February 5, 2021

Happy to announceGayatri’s event – WTML (Walk through Memory Lane)all this July here at Sizzling Tastebuds. I guess each one of us has those special memories to go with food, be it an older aunt or mom or even grandmoms dishing out that special dish (or even meal). What better way to remember those lovely moments by posting and linking all those dishes right here at this event. Thanks Gayathri, for this wonderful opportunity

On a personal note, frankly hosting this event now couldn’t have happened at a more appropriate moment for me. I am still filled with memories of my grandmom who passed away last fortnight – a lady whose food evokes the very foodie in me. The gutsiest lady I have ever seen of her age, a lady who hardly finished secondary school, but was so knowledgeable and conscious about things around her. It was a standing joke in the family to see her watching “The Wonder Years” and “Doogie Howser M.D” on television when cable first entered India a couple of decades ago. Mentally alert and active till her end, she ensured she knew about the presidential incumbents in Indian politics.

Such was her grasp over traditional food she could reel off age old recipes in a jiffy with proportions that would never fail you. I do wish I could have recorded some of those recipes somewhere, but I am sure I could never beat that taste and flavour, not to forget the love with which she served anyone at her door – even at the stroke of midnight, when she had unannounced visitors from outside the city, she ensured a 4 – 5 course meal all cooked to perfection.

With that short but overdue eulogy to my lovely grandmom, lets get on to the event now. 


Here’s how you can send (or link) your entries from 1st July – 31st July ‘12.

  • While linking the recipe (using the Linky tool at the end of this announcement), please give a link to this page and Gayathri’s Announcement page
  • There are no restrictions for the number of new entries.
  •  If you are linking an archived entry, please update it with the link to this page. 
  • Two entries from the archieves are accepted. 
  • Only Vegetarian recipes accepted. Eggs not allowed.
  • Non-Bloggers can also send in their entries by sending the recipe to my mail ID- I will include it in the round up. 
  • What’s more, there is a wonderful gift for one lucky blogger.Gayathri will select an entry through random selection and give away the book for the selected entry. I request all my readers to help me in making this event a huge success.
  • Note that the books Gayathri gives are not sponsored and it is her own contribution to the event. The book she chose is  Rajasthani Cook Book by Tarla Dalal. I am not eligible for the give away.  

On the first of August, Gayathri will select a lucky winner and send a mail. After receiving her mail,you can give an address to which she has to ship the book. She will ship the book within India so if you reside abroad, please give an address in India for her to ship. 

Looking forward to all your entries, dearies ! Keep them coming. If you have any issue linking the entries, do let me know. 





  1. Sharanya palanisshami

    hi kalyani , i had linked my entry. great mom makes this gravy, i learnt from her. happy hosting


  2. Hi Kalyani..

    I have linked my danyachi amti recipe for your event..


  3. Hi Kalyani,

    Thanks so much for hosting!
    I have submitted my recipe for your event.


  4. Hi Kalyani,

    I am new to your space. I have linked two of my recipes to your event. Happy hosting !!

    Do check my blog when you find time.

    Sharan's Samayalarai

  5. Hi kalyani,

    have posted my recipe to this event… loved teh concept of it!!

  6. Its my spice

    kalyani.. i had to delete an drelink my entry as i chnged teh blog url recently

  7. Hi Kalyani,

    Just entered by Vegetable Manchurian recipe for your event.
    Thanks so much for hosting 🙂

  8. Shree Kannepadi

    I had sent my entry.

    Thank u

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