Eggless Baking, Yeasted Breads

Fingermillet Rosemary Focaccia for #Breadbakers

I admit I didn’t get to think beyond Focaccia when the hostess @AnshieDhar for #Breadbakers announced “Breads from Italy” for this month’s edition. I kept going back and forth between Ciabatta and Pane Bianco only to land firmly on Focaccia every time 🙂 

What’s more, I found my name calling when I saw a packet of fresh rosemary – a rare sight, we only get dried rosemary flakes- in the supermarket (and there it was telling me to use it in a flavourful bake!)


Focaccia remains our family’s fav bread (apart from pizza which gets a nod every weekend !),but I got to make some twists adding some finger millet flour and then it came about to be a beautiful bread that we munched with some pasta. The next day I quickly toasted some for breakfast (morning rush, hence no pics of that toast!), and loved the nutty flavour from the finger millet and the aroma of the rosemary that was so enticing. If you are keen, check out 3-4 varieties of Focaccia here.  

The little one kept asking me why the bread was a tad dark , and when I mentioned I had added Ragi (aka fingemillet), the elder one freaked out (typical teen !! arghh) but nevertheless dug into the bread even on the second day ! All in all, a winner, and thanks to Anshie Dhar who is hosting this theme this month.  The only change I would make next time is add a little more salt and maybe some more spices to perk it up.


Without any more delay, lets get on with the recipe. 

Prep time : 15 mins, Standing time : 1 hr + 45 mins ; Baking time : 30 mins

You would need:

1 cup = 200 ml here

  • Wholemeal bread flour – 1 cup  (I had a pack of M&S whole meal bread flour which worked beautifully here)
  • Finger millet flour – 1/2 cup
  • All purpose flour – 1/4 cup
  • Warm water – I used about 2/3 cup to 1 tsp less than 1 cup (depends on the flours you use)
  • Sugar – 2 tsp
  • Instant Yeast – 1 sachet (7 grams)
  • Salt – 1 tsp (I used 1/2 tsp but would recommend 1 tsp)
  • Dried Italian spices – 1/2 tsp
  • Chilli flakes – 1/2 tsp
  • Fresh (or dried) rosemary – few sprigs – for topping 
  • Olive oil – 1/4 cup (more or less depending on your flours)



  1. Take warm water, sugar. Mix well. Add in the yeast and let it proof (I prove my yeast every time although its instant). 
  2. In a stand mixer (I used my Kitchen Aid), add the flours, spices, salt. Mix well. Add the proofed yeast,give it a mix with a wooden spatula and let it rest (without kneading) for about 10 mins – this standing time helps absorb the water better than trying to knead immediately.
  3. Now add half the oil, and start kneading on a low speed, gradually increase the speed and knead on speed 7-8 for about 10 mins till you get a smooth, slightly sticky  and a smooth surfaced pliable dough.
  4. Place the dough in a oiled bowl and cling wrap / drape a wet kitchen towel. Keep the bowl in a draft-free place and let it rise. As I used wholewheat and finger millet flours, the dough didn’t exactly double.
  5. Once risen (mine took about 55 mins), punch it slightly. In a prepared baking tray, spread the dough to all corners till you get a thickish 7*7 square bread. Cover and proof once again till slightly risen.
  6. Towards the end of the 2nd rise, preheat the oven to 200 C  / 400 F.
  7. Mark small dimples on the surface of the risen dough, place the rosemary sprigs and brush generous olive oil onto the bread, also covering the dimples. 
  8. Bake for 22-25 mins until golden brown, mine took about 28 mins, I then turned it to broil for 2-3 mins to get a nice textured focaccia.
  9. Cool on a wire rack and slice / tear off the focaccia. 
  10. Keeps for upto a week under refrigeration or longer if frozen.

#BreadBakers is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. Follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.

We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient.

If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to [email protected]

Links :-



  1. I absolutely love that you added fingermillet to the bread. Way to go using ancient grains in a rustic bread. Great idea and well.. teens will be teens 😀

  2. A Day in the Life on the Farm

    Focaccia was my first thought when the theme was named as well. Yours looks lovely.

  3. This bread looks perfect! Focaccia is one of my favorites for dipping into sauce like marinara.

  4. Anne@ASaladForAllSeasons

    Lovely focaccia! One of my favorite breads, too. And rosemary was such a perfect herb to add!

  5. Robin @ A Shaggy Dough Story

    I don't blame you for sticking with the focaccia—it's one of my favorites too. Love the combination of grains. I'll have to give finger millet a try!

  6. Your focaccia looks perfect! I don't blame you at all! I wish I could mail you a pile of our fresh rosemary!

  7. Mayuri Patel

    Kalyani, I too wanted to make focaccia but its already on the blog 🙂 I like the way you've added ragi to it. Awesome. I too find it difficult getting fresh herbs here in Mombasa. Using fresh rosemary makes all the difference to the aroma and taste of focaccia.

  8. Kal this is so nice. I can see that you are using a lot of millet these days. Lovely

  9. Sneha's Recipe

    Focaccia is also one of my favorite breads and like the addition of ragi flour to make it.

  10. Wow, adding ragi to focaccia is such a genius idea. It looks just perfect — I'm sure the family enjoyed it.

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