Sizzling Tastebuds, Snacks

Cheesy Snacklets


One of the positive fallouts of Blogging Marathon is that each day is a challenge, and its getting exciting. Working on the No Fire Cooking theme has really got me thinking 🙂 I guess for all bloggers who are doing / about to do this theme is that the first instinct while cooking is to put on the microwave / stove / OTG. And am sure salads and cool beverages have been done to death, and with the continuous downpour that we have here, soups and snacks have taken centre stage.And its a further challenge as I try not to deep fry to, and today’s post – Cheesy Snacklets – came about. Of course, kiddo assisted me putting all the snacklets on the tray and waited patiently till I clicked the pix, and then jumped right in ! You can play around with the toppings with veg / non veg options and am sure these make for great appetisers for kiddies’ birthday parties and potluck parties too 🙂 Have it with a cup of steaming tea , and the afternoon seems magic.

Sending this to : Sukanya’s Monsoon medley and Srav’s event on Appetisers, Kamalika’s No cook event apart from Blogging Marathon – Day 4.

Check out what my friends are uptohere


Prep time :10 mins. Makes : 10 – 12 snacklets


  • Monaco / any salted biscuits – 10 to 12.
  • Grated cheese – 2 TBSP
  • Crumbled panner – 3 TBSP
  • White pepper powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Red chilli powder – 1/2 tsp (opt.)
  • Oregano – 1/2 tsp
  • Tomato – 1/2
  • Onions – 1/8
  • Capsicum – 2 strips
  • Saunf Chutney / Bhelpuri chutney /any tangy sauce – 1 tsp
  • Salt – to taste (opt.) as the cheese is sure to contain salt.



1) Deseed and finely dice tomatoes. Mix to this finely diced capsicum, onions and red chilli powder.

2) Crumble panner and mix with grated cheese. Add oregano and white pepper powder and mix well.

3) Add to the paneer-cheese mixture the veggies and stir once with spoon. Topping is ready

4) Apply the saunf chutney or any tangy sauce on the salted biscuits. Spoon 1 tsp of the topping on this and serve immediately.



  1. Looks very colourful and delicious!!!!

  2. chef and her kitchen

    very nice appetizer..looks delicious..:)

  3. Wow!! Lovely healthy tempting preparation..

  4. Lifewithspices

    wow so good..

  5. Priya Suresh

    Woww thats soo irresistible..

  6. Lovely presentation K. Easy to pop right into ur mouth. Good one.

  7. vaishali sabnani

    SUUUUUUUUUPER!!!..The paneer is a good choice…

  8. Kurryleaves

    that sounds great….yummm

  9. Fast and speedy snack.

  10. I think even adults would love this. Looks very tempting…

  11. What a lovely idea..These will make a quick starters when you have sudden guests…

  12. that is super fast and creative Kalyani!

  13. MySpicyKitchen

    Beautiful clicks and a yummy snack!

  14. that looks yummy

  15. Delicious! Something I will eat and eat.

  16. Lovely presentation..:)

  17. Suma Gandlur

    Healthy and delicious!

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